Why Did the Savior of the World Have to Die?

Why Did the Savior of the World Have to Die?

March 30, 2018

Growing up, I never understood Easter. I saw rabbits, eggs, and candy. I missed the reason for the season. I didn’t understand what Jesus’ death and resurrection even meant to me. I didn’t realize it was so personal to each of us and that it changes everything.

Today, on Good Friday, I am reminded of just how much Jesus suffered for us. He was brutally whipped, mocked, flogged, spit on, persecuted and ridiculed. He was nailed to a cross and painfully died a criminal's death.. He breathed His last breath, as some of His last words were: “It is finished!”  Each person that witnessed Jesus’ brutal death were speechless, trembling, and deeply grieved. His disciples and followers didn’t understand why Jesus had to die. They cried and were devastated.

The circumstances looked dark and hopeless. They didn’t see the plan and it didn’t make human sense. They could only see what was in front of them. Their human understanding was limited.

Why did the Savior of the world, Our Lord Jesus have to die? Why, why, why?

The disciples and followers of Jesus, heard His promises, and it was even predicted by prophets in the Old Testament hundreds of years earlier: the Messiah, Jesus, would die a criminals death on a cross and be raised from the dead 3 days later. But, they were blinded by current circumstances and their feelings. It wasn’t what they thought the plan was. It was different than they had thought.

This really hit me. I am no different than them at times. I know God is good and His plans are perfect, but when they don’t go in the direction I had planned, I question. I grieve. I cry. When the medical report comes in different, when someone we love passes away, when our marriage or relationships are struggling, when our finances don’t line up, and when our plan is not God’s plan, we doubt, and may even deny Jesus. We ask: Why, God, why?

We don’t see the whole picture and we doubt His plans and goodness.

But, I am so quickly reminded that His plans are so much higher and greater than mine. His will is to be done on earth as is in Heaven. We are to trust in His plan and promises, walk in them, and lean not on our own human understanding.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding” -Proverbs 3:5

Today, We have the whole story - Jesus died and was resurrected from the dead three days later. Let’s believe this today. The disciples had to wait for His plan to unfold. We already know how it ends! Let’s live in this truth today. Tell others about it today! And let’s praise the Risen Lord, King of Kings, and our God, Jesus Christ. Let’s praise Him for who He is and what He did for us. It’s already finished and we are already victorious through Him. Let’s hand over all of our life circumstances and feelings to God and focus on the unseen - things eternal.

He gave His life For us. For you and for me. For each person.

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” -John 3:16

His love and grace is beautiful. He died so we could be set free. He died so we would be forgiven. He died so we could experience life everlasting. He died to give us truth, hope, love, grace, and power. By His wounds, we are healed. We don’t deserve it but He gave himself for us.

Happy Easter friends! Thank you Jesus! What a beautiful name it is.

"But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed." -Isaiah 53:5

In Christ,


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